There is a strict connection between maritime engineering and meteorology.
Most of the activities of our group have been carried out in connection with other groups with a solid competence in meteorlogy. As early as 1999-2000 following the experience gained in dealing with the Sarno landslide emergency CUGRI has cooperated with the Meteorology and Oceanography Institute of the Istituto Universitario Navale (now Patrhenope University)
Among the early experiences in 2000-2001 MM5 PSU/UCAR was installed and tested for the .Gabriella De Martino, (who eventually went to KNMI )
A LAM MM5 was also used by Francesca Napoli (now at the Civil Protection Departement of the Campania Region)
For many years the Meteorological Office of the Italian Air Force ( has helped us by proving data and above all precious advice on the applications of Meteorological an Wave models