Eugenio Pugliese Carratelli
This site reports some information on my research activities in the Coastal and Marine sector, which in the last few years were carried out mainly through the MEDUS (Maritime Engineering Division University of SAlerno) and
CUGRI (Research Partnership between the University of Salerno and the Federico II University of Naples)
These pages are partly in Italian and partly in English - If you need any information please write to me
Most of the work was carried out within in cooperation with many colleagues from various Institutions, among which
ESA/ESRIN, Frascati (Italy) »»»
KISR - Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, (Kuwait) »»»
Department of Sciences, Parthenope University, Naples
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,, University of Catania »»»
Department of Civil Engineering, Federico II University, Naples
Dipartimento Difesa Suolo, Università della Calabria »»»
Laboratorio di Ricerca e Sperimentazione per la Difesa delle Coste (LIC), Politecnico di Bari »»»
I am particularly grateful to the friends and colleagues from
APAT-ISPRA; CNMCA - Now servizio Meteo Aeronautica Militare, Roma; IFREMER CERSAT, (Francia) ; Dipartimento di Protezione Civile della Regione Campania;
Most of the work I have carried out in the last few years is described on papers listed on Scopus or Google. These pages report on some activities which have not led to publication on journals.
Previously I worked on energy related fluid mechanical problems, mostly by numerical techniques - before the CFD acronym was invented
I ave tried to quote all the external contributions, and I apologise if I have forgotten somebody or wrongly reported something. I will be more than happy to make the necessary corrections.
Reports and proceedings of seminars and tutorials are listed on the DIDATTICA page
Only green links are active
risalita delle onde Link not active
ambiente marino Link not active
Some wave data in the Bay of Salerno - Spring 2001 CUGRI Wave
Some wave data in the Bay of Naples - Spring 2011 CUGRI/Parthenope
Coastal List Discussion on Storm induced vibration on the coast
Applied Research by CUGRI for Salerno Provincial Authority